It was amazing to be part of such a big event. About 600 people showed up to the benefit for 19 month old Cash Parriera. My auction number was 551 and several people showed up after us! It was an amazing night where $1000s of dollars were raised for this family. What a great & giving community we have here in the Lynden area! 
Isn't Cash just the cutest boy with those dark brown eyes?! I donated 50+ centerpieces that each had a couple pictures of Cash in them. His aunt had the idea of adding the pictures. I love the thought that the people who purchased the centerpieces & took them home that night, now have great pictures of Cash to remind them to pray for him, his family, & his doctors. There were great photos everywhere at the event of Cash & his family...and I expected that! After all he is the son of a photographer from The SnapSisters! Jamie Valenta took the above adorable picture of one of the centerpieces. This picture of Cash P. was my favorite of all the pictures there. Good eye Jamie...the colors in the picture of Cash are repeated (by accident) in the color of the gerber daisy and the dragon fly.

My mother-in-law also sent me some pictures of the wheat grass centerpiece she purchased at the benefit. Growing the wheat grass in the pots was a lot of fun & I hope I can do it again for a future bride. Or, I can give anyone tips on how to grow it if they want to tackle this project themselves for one of their events.